TAMH: Mariners and Voyages

Vessel: Hope for Grace

VesselHope for Grace
Register PortDundee
 Arrived from France
CargoWine; Dye
Voyage Date13-06-1616
Source Referencedsl trans p271
Voyage ID657

Quhilk day coperit William kynnareis skipper & maister vnder god of ane ship fo dundie callit the houp for grande And enterd the said ship laitlie arryved frome france. Contenand the goods and geir following pteanand to the psones subsgnifeit viz. thrie twn tua peis twnes wyne and thrie twn thrie peis land vyne pteanand to Rot hamiltoun. Item sevin peis twnes wyne and sevin peis land wyne pteanand to petir balmannow. Item sevin peis land wyne and sex peis twnes wyne pteanand to Jon fullertoun. Item sex twn twnes wyne & ane peis land wyne pteanand to Jon adamson. Item foure peis twnes vine and foure peis land vine pteanand to Charles rollok. Item tua peis twnes wyne and tua peis land vyne pteanand to thomas henry. Item nyne peis twnes vyne and thrie peis land vine pteanand to Mr David Wedderburn. Item foure peis twnes vyne pteining to William Jak. Item foure peis twnes vyne and sex peis land vyne pteaning to Patrik carmicheall. Item tua peis land vyne pteaning to Andro hill. Item thrie twn tua peis twnes vyne and tua peis land vyne pteaning to Walt smyth. Item tua twn tua pece twnes wyn and tua twn ane pece land wyne pteaning to ninnian Copping. Item tua pece twnes vyne & tua pece land vyne pteaming to Jon copping. Item sevin peis twnes vyne foure peis land vyne & tua teirs vynager pteining to adame grant. Item sex pece twnes vyne and thrie pece land vyne pteaning to Duncan key. Item tua twn of twnes vyne pteining to James andersone. Item sex peice twnes vyne tua pece land vyne and tua teirs vunager pteaning to Andro andersone. Item thrie pece twnus vyne and tua pece land vyne pteining to William Wemyss. Item ane twn twnes vyne tua twn land vyne and thrie teirss vynager pteaning to Jon Duncane. Item ane pece land vyne pteining to henrie mathew.Item ane pece twnes vyne pteining to David oystlar. Item foure twn twnes vyne sex twn thrie pece land vyne and tua teirss vynager pteaning to Wm kynnareis.Item tua pocks waid pteining to Alexr udward. Item tua pocks waid pteaning to Alexr copping And thrie teirss vunager pteaning to Andrew kynnareis.


MarinerTitleHome Port
Kinneris, WilliamMasterDundee